We're delighted to announce that several TEC alumni have projects at this year's Tribeca Film Festival:
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson | Edited by TEC alum Tyler Walk | Assistant Editing Intern - TEC alum Harry Jackson
AlphaGo | Edited by TEC alum Cindy Lee | Assistant Editing by TEC alums JiYe Kim and Andres Vergara | Additional Editing by TEC alum Eugene Yi
ELIÁN | Edited by TEC alum Hannah Vanderlan | Post Production interns - TEC alums Kirstin McNary, Isabel Ponte, Christy Shikegawa, and Chloe Reist-Cowell
Hondros | Edited by TEC alum Cindy Lee | Assistant Editing by TEC alum Will Schreck | Executive Producer - TEC alum Riva Marker
City of Ghosts | Edited by TEC alum Matt Hamachek
My Art | Edited by TEC alum Betsy Kagen