The Edit Center - Class Film Queen of Earth is a NY Times Critics' Pick!

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Class Film Queen of Earth is a NY Times Critics' Pick!

Just days after its theatrical release, October 2014 narrative class film Queen of Earth is receiving great reviewsalready on the NYT Critics' Pick list!

From The New York Times:

Like the movie, these close-ups are alternately mesmerizing and suffocating, which dovetails with Mr. Perry’s pull-push strategy of bringing you uncomfortably close to the action, to the tears and the drama, only to shove you away. Some of this may be a matter of artistic temperament and Mr. Perry’s interest in exploring the more rancid manifestations of human behavior, but it also serves his narrative experimentation here.

You can read the full NYT review here

From A.V. Club:

There is an innate, affecting strangeness to Queen Of Earth, which is pitched somewhere halfway between actor’s showcase and creepy formal exercise, continually foreshadowing a burst of psychotic violence that never comes.

You can read the full A.V. Club review here.
