Evergreen, the project of the May 2003 class, was quite positively reviewed in The Hollywood Reporter after the film screened in the Dramatic Competition at this year's Sundance Film Festival. The reviewer called the film "a wispy, full-bodied story...told with a tender vigor" and a "superior competition entrant." He called the supporting performances "remarkable" and wrote that "As written and directed by Enid Zentelis, Evergreen is a bouyant film, packed with everyday wisdom and propelled by the sympathetic lead performance of Addie Land."
After the course, Evergreen was cut by Edit Center teacher Meg Reticker (who taught the May class). Meg was assisted by Chad Beck, one of the Teaching Assistants in the May class. Anita Gabrosek, an Edit Center alum who was also the co-teacher of the May class, was the associate editor.