Stray Dog, directed by Debra Granik (Winter's Bone), follows Ron "Stray Dog" Hall, a working class man from Southern Missouri. Stray Dog is a guide for delving into the subcultures and identities that comprise his daily life. These pieces in turn shape how he relates to being a part of larger American society. He came of age as a solider in the Vietnam War, an experience that marked him for life, and which he and his peers are forced to confront as a core part of their identity. His observations, decisions and uncertainties reflect his place in American history. Each year, Stray Dog rides in the Run For the Wall, a cross-country motorcycle odyssey to the Vietnam Memorial. This pilgrimage reunites him with other vets who share a profound common bond that is among the most important in their lives. A self-described backwoods hermit, Stray Dog then finds himself embroiled in a complex love affair that takes him across the border to Mexico. He entangles himself in life with a new family and ends up bringing them home to the RV park. Together, these elements build a portrait of an everyday American trying to make sense of his world.